
The planning unit is the coordinating centre for district planning, budgeting and other related functions. It is also the centre for data collection, categorization and analysis of relevant information for planning, decision making and other policy formulation. It consists of these sectors planning office, statistics, population, development planning, MIS, M&E and operational planning. The population sector focuses on the population and social-economic characteristics of the district.

Demographic and socio-economic characteristics
To formulate present and future development programmes, the district needs to know the size, quality, distribution and growth of its population. Population censuses are the main sources of demographic data in general and information on population size, distribution and growth rate in particular. Other sources may include various surveys, Birth and Death Registration and Administrative Records.

Population size and Growth Rate
The population of Nwoya district has drastically grown from 41,010 in 2002 census to 128,094 as per 2014 census. The growth rate of (1991-2002) was only 0.67 percent per annum, however the latest growth rate of (2002-2014) is up to 9.49 percent per annum which one of the highest in the country compared the National rate with only 3.03 percent per annum. The 1991 and 2002 census were carried out during the period of the LRA insurgency which caused continuous emigrating to other Districts relative Secure. By 2002 many people had left their land to other districts for security. After the insurgency by 2014 census most people had returned to their land with their children born from other regions leading sharp growth rate of 9.49 percent per annum.

Population Distribution
The distribution of a population by age and sex is among the basic types of information needed for planning. Sex and age composition of a population has significant implications for the reproductive potential, human resource, school attendance, family formation, health care and other service delivery in general.

The National Population and Housing Census was conducted in 2014 by UBOS and the provisional results were released. The report provided population figures by sex by sub-county for all the districts in the country. The provisional results for this district are indicated in Table 3.2.

Further data processing and analysis is on-going to generate a more detailed report that will provide information on other indicators up-to the lowest level. Analysis of educational requirements, labour force projections, household composition and migration for example, would not be complete without considering information on age and sex.

Average Household size
A Household is defined as a group of people who normally eat and leave together. Household composition is a key variable for determining demographic characteristics of a population. Household size refers to the number of occupants of a household. Nwoya district had a total number of 25,177 Households as per census 2014 provisional results. The average household size is 5.1. Table 3.4 below shows number of Households, population and Average household size per subcounty.